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Company Profile

Advanced Receiver Research, also known as Ar² Communications Products, was founded in 1978 by Jay Rusgrove, amateur radio call sign W1VD. An electronic communications equipment manufacturing and consulting firm, Ar² occupies a manufacturing facility located at Johnnycake/Mountain Meadows Airport in Harwinton CT.

The primary product line of the company includes Gallium Arsenide low-noise preamplifiers (LNA’s), with hundreds of standard frequency models and special frequency units. These preamplifiers represent the state-of -the-art in low-noise preamplifier performance. They are widely used to increase the coverage area of communications systems, especially with the proliferation of small, low-power hand held radios. These preamplifiers are primarily used by Police and Fire Departments, the military, government agencies and private industry. Other uses of our preamplifiers include: deep space research, medical MRI equipment, cellular telephone, radar, satellite communications, data communications, motorist aid callboxes, security systems, cable television head ends, remote control equipment, radio and television station links, amateur (ham) radio, wildlife tracking equipment and numerous other applications. Other product lines include coaxial cable assemblies, power dividers, receiver multicouplers, power supplies, custom assemblies, Gunnplexer microwave equipment and accessories.

Advanced Receiver Research has a customer base that ranges from individuals which purchase a single preamplifier for their ham radio station, small communications companies that install several preamplifiers on local Police and Fire Department equipment, Fortune 500 companies purchasing hundreds of units for data transfer equipment to the Department of the Air Force contracting for 10,000 LNA’s used to upgrade the FBS-85 Eglin Space Surveillance Radar.

The company also provides development and consulting services for individuals, companies and government agencies. New product development may be as simple as a custom amplifier to be used in a new product venture. Consultation is provided for Ar² and non Ar² product development, enhancement or problem resolution. Government agencies, such as the Department of Defense have used the company resources for special receiver modifications for use in operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

A partial customer list is provided below for your perusal.

Air Force - Mitchell IAP
Alabama Power
Alliant Tech Systems
Allied Signal
American Red Cross
Antarctic Support Association
Arkansas Fish & Game
Argon National Laboratory
Army - Ft. Belvoir
Aurora Flight Sciences/NASA
Bell Canada
Bell Mobility
Boeing Aircraft
Brigham Young University
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Burlington Northern
CBS News
California Institute of Tech.
Canadian Western Natural Gas
Cape Cod National Seashore
Capital Cities/ABC
Carnagie Mellon University
Cessna Aircraft
Civil Air Patrol
Cleveland Utilities
Colgate University
DFAS - Eglin Air Force Base
DFW International Airport
Davis Monthan Air Force Base
Department of Justice
Duke University
Eldorado National Forrest
Electronic Warfare Associates
El Paso Natural Gas
Florida D.O.T.
Ford Motor Company
Ft. Bragg

Ft. Eustis
GTE Mobilenet
Georgia Power Co.
Geospace Research
Griffiss Air Force Base
Hatch MRI
Henry Ford Hospital
Hydro Quebec
Idaho Fish & Game
Illinois Power
Indiana State Police
Iowa State Police
Iowa State University
Keesler Air Force Base
Kentucky Department Mining
Kettering Medical Center
Lockheed Missle & Space
Lockheed Tactical Defense
Long Island Lighting
MIT - Haystack Observatory
MIT - Lincoln Laboratory
MIT - National Magnet Laboratory
Maine State Police
Montana Power
NASA - Lewis Research Center
National Biological Service
National Fisheries Research
National Institute of Health
National Marine Fisheries
Naval Air Station - Jacksonville
Naval Air Station - Patuxent
Naval Air Station - Point Mugu
Naval Air Warfare Center
Naval Computer Telecommuni
Naval Post Graduate
Naval Satellite Operations Center
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Navy Public Works
New England Telephone
New York Zoological Society
Northeast Utilities
Ohio State University
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority
Orbital Science Corp.

Oregon DOT
PAX TV - Paxton
Pacific Bell
Pacific Gas & Electric
Phillips Petroleum
Pope Air Force Base
RAM Mobile Data
Radar Systems Technology
Radian Corp
Rosner Institute for Nuclear Theory
San Diego Gas & Electric
Scientific Atlanta
South Carolina Electric & Gas
South Mississippi Electric
Southwest Research Institute
Sunkist Growers
Surrey Satellite
Tactical Enforcement Group
Tennessee Gas Pipeline
Texas Tech University
Toshiba America MRI
Tracor Applied Science
US Army Corp of Engineers
US Border Patrol
US Bureau of Reclamation
US Coast Guard
US Fish & Wildlife
US Forrest Service
US Geological Survey
US Marshall Service
US Postal Inspection Service
Union Switch & Signal
University of Alabama
University of California
University of Colorado
University of Idaho
University of Illinois
University of Kansas
University of Minnesota
University of New Mexico
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
University of Texas
Yale University
Yosemite National Park

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